| ACZ-Activity Centre Zone |
| B1Z-Business 1 Zone (superseded by C1Z) |
| B2Z-Business 2 Zone (superseded by C1Z) |
| B3Z-Business 3 Zone (superseded by C2Z) |
| B4Z-Business 4 Zone (superseded by C2Z) |
| B5Z-Business 5 Zone (superseded by C1Z) |
| C1Z-Commercial 1 Zone |
| C2Z-Commercial 2 Zone |
| CA-Commonwealth land |
| CCZ-Capital City Zone |
| CDZ-Comprehensive Development Zone |
| DZ-Dockland Zone |
| ERZ-Environmental Rural Zone (superseded by RCZ) |
| FZ-Farming Zone |
| GRZ-General Residential Zone |
| GWAZ-Green Wedge A Zone |
| GWZ-Green Wedge Zone |
| IN1Z-Industrial 1 Zone |
| IN2Z-Industrial 2 Zone |
| IN3Z-Industrial 3 Zone |
| LDRZ-Low Density Residential Zone |
| MUZ-Mixed Use Zone |
| NRZ-Neighbourhood Residential Zone |
| PCRZ-Public Conservation and Resource Zone |
| PDZ-Priority Development Zone |
| PPRZ-Public Park and Recreation Zone |
| PUZ1-Public Use Zone-Service & Utility |
| PUZ2-Public Use Zone-Education |
| PUZ3-Public Use Zone-Health & Community |
| PUZ4-Public Use Zone-Transport |
| PUZ5-Public Use Zone-Cemetery/Crematorium |
| PUZ6-Public Use Zone-Local Government |
| PUZ7-Public Use Zone-Other Public Use |
| PZ-Port Zone |
| R1Z-Residential 1 Zone (superseded by GRZ) |
| R2Z-Residential 2 Zone (superseded by GRZ) |
| R3Z-Residential 3 Zone (superseded by GRZ) |
| RAZ-Rural Activity Zone |
| RCZ-Rural Conservation Zone |
| RDZ1-Road Zone-Category 1 |
| RDZ2-Road Zone-Category 2 |
| RGZ-Residential Growth Zone |
| RLZ-Rural Living Zone |
| RUZ-Rural Zone (superseded by FZ) |
| SUZ-Special Use |
| TZ-Township Zone |
| UFZ-Urban Floodway Zone |
| UGZ-Urban Growth Zone |
| URZ- Urban Redevelopment Zone |